email: Facebook: DrewMiller TheLongroadhome Ways to Donate: 1. Cash- I have an account set up at FNB in Spencer for cash donations. Just tell the teller it's for Andrew Miller's WWP account. 2.Checks- Make checks out to the Wounded Warrior Project and either give them to my dad or sister in town, or mail them to 527 Church St., Spencer, WV 25276. I have a form that has to be filled out and sent in with each check. 3. Online Donations Page- I have an online donations page link on the right side of this blog. Simply click the link, and you can donate online.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 85: Wow!! That was Hard!

I thought a lot about, and worried a lot about my friend, Toby Ford today. This was his scheduled day for surgery to replace his aortic valve in his heart. I tried to check on his status before writing this, but it hadn't been updated. If anyone has any info, please shoot me an email at and let me know if things went well. I hope and pray that everything went as well as could be expected, and that Toby recovers quickly, and is back on his feet soon. He is such a great friend and I hope he and his family are doing well throughout this trying time.

First 25 mile run is now a thing of the past, but it sure left scars, haha. I don't think it was the distance that bothered me as much as the humidity that sucked the energy right out of me. All I know is that I am completely exhausted, both mentally and physically. Very excited that I finished though, now the trick is doing it 39 more times in the next 50 days, haha. It is supposed to be just as hot, or hotter, and just as humid tomorrow. Maybe I can start a bit earlier, although it may be tough to pry me out of this extremely comfortable bed at the Copa Motel in Kingman. Since we didn't do a hotel last night, and it was blistering hot today, Mom treated me to a hotel room and some nice AC for the night. Two really cool things came out of the tough run today. One, I got a voicemail from the Governer of Kansas wishing me well on my journey and thanking me for my support of the Wounded Warrior Project. Secondly, at lunch, we drove into Kingman to pick up a care package that Bret Powell and his family had sent for us. I was feeling pretty rough at lunch due to the heat, but got a huge lift from the package. Inside, some students from Bret's class had hand-made some greeting cards for me, encouraging me along on the trip. What an incredibly sweet gesture. Thank you very much Bret!! Well, I'm gonna leave it short and not very eloquent tonight. My body is shot, and so is my mind. Gonna try to rest up and do it all again tomorrow.

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