email: Facebook: DrewMiller TheLongroadhome Ways to Donate: 1. Cash- I have an account set up at FNB in Spencer for cash donations. Just tell the teller it's for Andrew Miller's WWP account. 2.Checks- Make checks out to the Wounded Warrior Project and either give them to my dad or sister in town, or mail them to 527 Church St., Spencer, WV 25276. I have a form that has to be filled out and sent in with each check. 3. Online Donations Page- I have an online donations page link on the right side of this blog. Simply click the link, and you can donate online.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 108: Blank.

Blank, that is my mind right now. The extreme heat has effectively sucked all of the creativity out of my already tiny brain. I tried and tried to come up with some thoughts on the day. The following is all I could come up with (with assistance from Mom). Soccer is really frustrating to watch, especially when the US Women's team gives away a World Cup Championship. Although, it may be the only time it has ever happened, frustrating nonetheless. Also, one can never, ever, watch Talladega Nights too many times. Third, Cracker Barrel country fried steak may be the best country fried steak in the history of this world, or any other. D: It's never too late to drink coffee. Subchapter 2.53: Heat-induced hallucinations aren't as interesting as I expected, except for the manbearpigs I met and conversed with as I was hovering above my own body, watching myself run. 5A: Merely smelling the glory that is the Waffle House as I was running by it, sweating profusely and gasping for air, is not nearly as good as actually sitting in the restaurant, in the AC, dominating the All Star Special breakfast. I need a haircut in the worst way. Can someone fly John Pena out to Missouri so he can take the garden shears to this mop. Whatever happened to Rax Restaurants? I want to go on Pawn Stars and haggle. Ringo was by far the worst Beatle. I want to play a round of golf with Pat White, Owen Schmitt, and Da Sean Butler. Rabble Rabble Rabble!! Night.


  1. Sorry you are exhausted Drew, But I have to admit I love the randomness :) So proud of you!!

  2. Hahaha....are you sure it was just the heat that got to ya, Drew! Smiling and shaking my head cause I UNDERSTAND THIS! :D
